One of the benefits of being a sole trader is that I have no share holders and am accountable only to myself. Should I actually earn any money, there is no necessity for me, legal or otherwise, to maximise my profits.
With this in mind I thought it would be good to pass on the proceeds from the sale of some of my goods to organisations and causes that are seeking to change the world for the better. The accumulation of wealth as an end in itself is surely one indication that our civilisation has reached its' terminal stage?
This is clearly not the best of business plans, but surely the whole point of running my own enterprise is that I get to make the decisions?
I have tried to loosely theme the product and the cause, as may or may not be clear.
Current products being sold under this arrangement are:
Lamentable newes postcard - all profits to
Chimney Sweep post card - all profits go to
Insanitary musicians postcard - all profits to
If you have an idea for a card to sell on this basis , and an organisation that you would like the proceeds to go to, I am open to suggestions. The arrangement would be that you would pay for the printing of the cards, which I can advise on and arrange, and I would then host the card on my site. Periodically any profits would be paid to the organisation that you have nominated. I do of course reserve the right to include only those products and organisations that I am happy with.