A selection of links to various sites, many of which have nothing to do with folklore or traditions, but which may prove of interest anyway. 350.org 350.org A coordinating group seeking to avoid catastrophic climate change through grassroots action.
50watts 50watts.com A cornucopia of inspiring illustration from around the world and across the decades.
Caught by the River caughtbytheriver.net The superlative and ever stimulating forum devoted to nature, fishing, music and the good things in life. It embodies many of my own preoccupations.
Chris Watson chriswatson.net Experience the world in a new way through the medium of Chris Watsons aural documentaries featuring the superlative use of natural sound. We re told there's nothing new under the sun but I changed my mind after hearing the premier Okeanos, an epic underwater oceanic voyage.
Company of the Green Man http://freespace.virgin.net/polter.geist/greenman_page0011.htm A comprehensive resource on the foliate enigma that continues to fascinate. Coracle Society coraclesociety.org A celebration of the boat you can carry on your back. You may mock their dimminutive dimensions, but to me these craft possess pleasing symmetry and proportions. They may be an eminently practical form of city transport when the flood waters inundate us following the collision of the comet and the melting of the polar ice caps.
Corporate Watch corporatewatch.org Not letting those who should know better get away with it. Or at least not without us knowing about it.
Dark Mountain dark-mountain.net Essential reading for anyone preoccupied with the immiment disintegration of civilisation
Derrick Jensen derrickjensen.org
Essential reading for anyone preoccupied with the immiment disintegration of civilisation. Reading A Language Older than Words left me reeling.
Diggers and Dreamers diggersanddreamers.org Explore an alternative way of living through the world of intentional communities.
Films for Action filmsforaction.org A huge resource that has educated and informed me about a wide range of issues themed broadly around social justice. Many of the subjects covered receive very little exposure in the mainstream media, and the Wall of Films provides a complete curriculum of dissent.
Frack Off frack-off.org.uk/ Vast reserves of fossil fuel await extraction as we hurtle towards the point of no return in terms of climate change. Last year carbon dioxide in the atmosphere reached 400 parts per million. If it reaches 450 ppm it's essentially game over. Most of the current reserves of fossil fuels need to stay in the ground if we are to have any chance of avoiding this. Why are licenses for fracking being awarded? Why are incentives for renewable energy being decimated? I feel a conspiracy theory coming on...
Head Heritage headheritage.co.uk Julian Cope. This is all you really need to know.
Joseph Crawhall II josephcrawhall.org.uk The man is clearly a genius of the woodcut form. I find his illustrations both amusing and slightly troubling at the same time. It's a tough combination to pull off, but he manages it time and again with elegance and simplicity.
Labyrinthos labyrinthos.net Fascinating site outlining the history and folklore, and contemporary rivival, of labyrinths. Be inspired to investigate England's unique surviving collection of turf versions of this historic form.
Mainly Norfolk mainlynorfolk.info I particularly like this site for the detailed historical information on the origins of individual folk songs, which will often include both printed and recorded sources for you to explore further. A fabulous resource to excavate the origins of all those songs that you love.
Museum of British Folklore www.museumofbritishfolklore.com A manifesto that embodies many of my own aims and values. "Folklore is a vibrant element of 'Britishness' and a living cultural heritage; these beliefs, customs and expressions link the past to the present and help us understand our specific communities and cultures, as well as our shared humanity. Far from being static or an ageing genre, it remains relevant by adapting to new circumstances, with the 'Folk' (people), and the 'lore' (stories) continually informing and influencing each other." I look forward to seeing how this project evolves in the future. One to keep a close eye on I feel.
Plants for a Future pfaf.org If your planning to plant something, make it edible and feed yourself at the same time. You will be surprised and delighted by the huge range of edible plants after browsing this site. Death to the privet!
Public Domain Review publicdomainreview.org A portal to an often strange and beautiful world of historic books and documents that have recently come into the public domain.